Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's a Sanding Party!

So the guys came in the art room to work on the boat and asked, "What are we doing today?" Telling them that they'd have to snip all of the copper wire stitches they'd meticulously installed, file them and then spend several hours sanding the boat hull until the rough angular hull had a nice rounded shape didn't seem like the most inspiring way to start the day so instead I said, "It's a sanding party!"

The word party in the title helped but when I backed this up with the little grill, some burgers, dogs and chips, the guys were excited to do some work. We turned on some classic rock and snipped , filed and sanded the hull into what's turning out to be a beautiful Chesapeake Tandem hull. The guys actually enjoyed the sanding and they're quite proud of their accomplishment.

The remnants of the copper stitches.

The guys started looking at the hull and said, "Hey, this will float!"

In the photo from left to right: Neil, Matt, Ben, David (great job with those tricky filings!), Danny and Lane. Great job guys!

Friday, March 12, 2010

MMMMmmmm......Is That Peanut Butter?

This week the students taped all of the interior seams on the kayak, and filled them with a thickened epoxy mixture. The mixture, which looks (but doesn't taste!!!!!!) like peanut butter, is made of epoxy resin, slow hardener, and wood flour, and is called a "fillet." We used flexible plastic tools to press and smooth the messy concoction into the keel, chine, and bulkhead seams. This will keep water out, and begins to hold the boat together so that we can eventually take out the copper wire stitches that initially held the boat together. Over the wet epoxy fillet we pressed fiberglass strips into place. The final step was to brush a thin layer of liquid epoxy over the seams, fiberglass strips, and entire inside of the kayak. Lane and I were both really impressed with the ability of the students to make neat seams and work with the epoxy, since it is a messy and often tricky process. We are all so excited that the boat is taking shape and progressing quickly, and we CAN'T WAIT to take out the copper wire stitching so that we don't get cut and poked anymore while we are working on the boat.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Does it Float and Can We Take it Over Double Hydraulic?

The answer to both is, NO!, but those have been actual questions I have been asked. The kayak probably wouldn't float yet, although the students keep wondering. This week we discussed more of the parts of the kayak and how it differs from the whitewater boats that we are most familiar with at Yellow Breeches. So, no, it can't go through Double Hydraulic or any other rapid on the Yough. However, we have gotten far enough that the project definitely looks like a kayak and appears to have beautiful lines.

The boat has some epoxy seams completed and we have been busy laying down tape to complete the rest of the seams. Last week a group of students installed the bulkheads, which will separate the cockpit paddling area from the gear storage compartments. Once all of the seams have been epoxied (with a mixture of Epoxy Resin, hardener, and wood flour), we can take out the copper wire stitching that has held the boat together for so long. We are all looking forward to that so we won't be stabbed by the wires anymore and because it means we no longer have to worry about the boat twisting into a bad shape. It will have become stiff from the epoxy and fiberglass that we are working on.

In English, students tried to come up with names fitting for the first kayak that Frankford has made. There are still alot of wishes for flames painted on the side of the kayak! Hmmmmm......we will see.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Kayak Takes Shape

Over the last two weeks, students have spent time learning about the steps to building our kayak, and implementing that work. In English they have continued to read about the boat form and what to do next, and in art they have been constructing. We have been discussing and making lists of the boat building and kayak terms that we have learned and used so far. The guys drilled holes in the side panels and keel line of the hull, and stitched both the hull together, and also the side panels to the hull. (The hull is the bottom of the boat and the keel line runs down the middle.) The stitches that we keep referring to are made of copper wire that the boys cut and fasten through holes in the plywood. After alot of work, what used to look like a pile of wood and scraps has turned into the frame of a boat. Student comments have ranged from "whoa, it IS a kayak," to "I'm not getting in that thing, it's flimsy!" We are excited for more progress and possibly a trip to Chesapeake Light Craft in Annapolis, where the boat kits are made. The last, and possibly most important, step that we have done recently, is to measure the art classroom window to ensure that the kayak will be able to LEAVE the room when it is finished!